Course Project – Phase 3 This week you will begin working on Phase 3 of your cou

Course Project – Phase 3
This week you will begin working on Phase 3 of your course project. Using the same data set and variables for your selected topic that you used for phases 1 and 2, add the following information to your analysis:
Discuss the process for hypothesis testing.
Explain the 8 steps of hypothesis testing
When performing the 8 steps for hypothesis testing, which method do you prefer; P-Value method or Critical Value method? Why?
Perform the hypothesis test.
If you selected Option 1 (Salaries):
Claim: The average salary for all jobs in Georgia is less than $65,000. Test the claim using α = 0.05 and assume your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.
If you selected Option 2 (Patients at Grady hospital):
Claim: The average age of all patients admitted to the hospital with infectious diseases is less than 65 years of age. Test the claim using α = 0.05 and assume your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.
Based on your selected topic, perform and document the following steps:
Write the null and alternative hypothesis symbolically and identify which hypothesis is the claim.
Is the test two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed? Explain.
Which test statistic will you use for your hypothesis test; z-test or t-test? Explain.
What is the value of the test-statistic? Show your calculation
What is the P-value? Explain how you determined it
What is the critical value? Explain how you calculated it
What is your decision? Reject the null or do not reject the null? Explain why you made your decision including the results for your p-value and the critical value.
State the final conclusion in non-technical terms.
Please show your work for the construction of the test-statistic and explain your process for finding the p-value and critical value. You may use the Equation Editor to format your calculation steps on the Word document or attach an Excel spreadsheet clearly showing each calculation for #B4 and #B5, but your answers still need to appear on the Word document. Also, be sure to number each response in your paper using the same numbers as above
MAT 211 Lessons Rubrics
Mathematical Concepts.
Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written.
Not Present
Mathematical Reasoning
Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning.
Uses effective mathematical reasoning
Some evidence of mathematical reasoning.
Little evidence of mathematical reasoning.
Not Present
Mathematical Errors
90-100% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
Almost all (85-89%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
Most (75-84%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors.
Not Present
The introduction is inviting. It grabs the reader’s attention and compels him/her to read further. Engaging lead/hook.
The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but is not particularly inviting to the reader.
The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader.
There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper.
Not Present
Content/Body Paragaphs/Evidence
There is one clear, well-focused conflict/problem to be resolved. Author uses dialogue, action, and descriiption to show not tell the story.
Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general. More detail needed to “show not tell” the story.
Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information. Author mostly tells the story instead of showing it.
The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
Not Present
Grammar/Punctuation/APA Style
Writer makes no errors in grammar or punctuation, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read. Follows APA style.
Writer makes 1 or 2 errors in grammar or punctuation, but the paper is still easy to read. Missing one or two elements of APA style
Writer makes a few errors in grammar and/or punctuation that catch the reader’s attention and interrupt the flow. Missing most APA formatting.
Writer makes several errors in grammar and/or punctuation that catch the reader’s attention and greatly interrupt the flow. No APA style.
Not Present
Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader’s mind, and the choice and placement of the words seems accurate, natural and not forced.
Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader’s mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone.
Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair.
Writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or capture the reader’s interest. Jargon or clichés may be present and detract from the meaning.
Not Present
The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader with a feeling that they understand what the writer is “getting at.”
The conclusion is recognizable and ties up almost all the loose ends. The “so what” a bit cliché.
The conclusion is recognizable, but does not tie up several loose ends.
There is no clear conclusion, the paper just ends.
Not Present

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