Content & Organization 40%  Title appropriate and properly formatted  Clearly

Content & Organization 40%
 Title appropriate and properly formatted
 Clearly defined thesis
 Appropriate introduction (makes the reader want to read) and conclusion
(demonstrates significance)
 Specific, vivid, and relevant details/supporting examples
 Adequate explanation/narration
 Organized logically
 Coherent paragraphs
 Sensible transitions
Sentence Style, Syntax, and Diction 20%
 Sentence structures and beginnings varied
 Sentences complex
 Appropriate word use
 Transitions between and within sentences
Grammar & Mechanics 25%
 No fragments
 No fused sentences or comma splices
 No tense shifts
 Correct subject/verb agreement
 Correct pronoun usage
 Correct pronoun reference
 Correct use of apostrophes and quotation marks
 Correct use of commas
 Correct capitalization
 Correct spelling
Creativity & Imagination 15%
 Essay is insightful and original
 Student shows exceptional imaginative efforts and/or critical thinking.

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