Collecting & Analyzing Data Topic Covid 19 Recruit participants by announcing yo

Collecting & Analyzing Data Topic Covid 19
Recruit participants by announcing you are conducting a study for your college research methods class. Explain the purpose of your study (unless you think it will bias participants). Explain the rights of research participants such as how long you expect participation to take and if identities will be kept confidential or anonymous (see Babbie Ch. 3). As mentioned above, only conduct face-to-face interviews with people you are already in close-contact with; otherwise, interview people over the computer or phone. You can post or email questions so that people fill them out themselves and return them (self-administered). There are benefits and weaknesses to each; self-administered saves time and everyone answers the same questions (we call this structured survey), but face-to-face/phone/online interviews allow you to ask follow-up or probing questions for more detailed responses, and you can add new questions when new topics arise (this is called a semi-structured interview). If you ask new questions during an interview, record them somewhere. Pick methods of administering questions that work for you. Your sampling method(s) will include reliance on available subjects/convenience sampling, where you rely on people who are easily accessible, and/or purposive/judgmental sampling, where you interview people with specific knowledge (see Babbie Ch. 7). Conduct your interviews, and prepare your final report.
    Restate your research topic and if you had a hypothesis. Give a brief background. Define concepts. Establish why this is an important topic (1 paragraph).
    Methods: Identify your total sample size. Identify your method of recruiting participants, including the non-probability sampling method(s) you used. State how many interviews were self-administered or administered in person, over the phone, or over the computer (1 paragraph).
    Methods: List your final questions. Identify which questions are open-ended or closed-ended. Identify which sections of your interview were structured and which, if any, were semi-structured. 
    Findings: Present selected findings based on a few of your questions. Back up your findings with figures for closed-ended questions, such as how many identified strongly agreed religion was important to them, and one or two quotes for open-ended questions (2 paragraphs).
    Analysis: What did your participants say about your original topic or research question? Were results as you expected, or were there any surprising results (1 paragraph)?
    Reflection: How was your overall experience conducting interviews? Would you do anything different? What might you do if you had funding and more time (1 paragraph)?

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