Choose one of the following options as the basis of a 4 page paper. No outside s

Choose one of the following options as the basis of a 4 page paper. No outside sources except the ones your specifically analyze/reference in your paper are required, but cite every text you reference according to MLA style.
1. In the manner of Zunger, Adams, or Baheri, write an argument about the nature of “acceptable” or “academic” English or literature. Take a clear position on the notion of canonicity, whether you want to discuss a certain style of language or a certain kind of text. Feel free to incorporate personal experience in your argument, and reference at least two course texts as examples to support your argument.
2. Our most recent course texts have commented upon the canon and canonicity creatively through stories/lyrics that either celebrate or challenge (or perhaps both) canonical writing. In 4-6 pages, create a story or poem that similarly critiques that classics.
3. Should rap or other forms of musical lyrics be studied as poetry in English class? We have studied several different examples in this class. Use any song or songs as examples, and argue either for or against the inclusion or lyrics in the study of poetry. Include direct passages from songs to make your case.
Pick which option to write about no Plagrism Pls!

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