Chapter 4 is centered around Social Work Advocacy, which is what many SW’s belie

Chapter 4 is centered around Social Work Advocacy, which is what many SW’s believe is to be the core of our profession. The following assignment requires you to read chapter 4, utilize the resources located in modules (chapter 4) and write a 1-2 page paper for the below topic. Please ensure you are citing your work in text as well as at the end of your paper. If, and when you can utilize previous chapters terms/theories please do so as this demonstrates learning. <
What is meant by the costs and benefits of advocacy? Explain in detail. Select a specific current (now-last 5 years) US problem that may cause social workers to act as advocates today. Explain the issue in detail and explain what the costs and benefits of advocating for that particular cause might be.<
(cite in paper and the end)

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