Chapter 10: Becoming an Adult: Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Development

Chapter 10: Becoming an Adult: Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Development in Young Adulthood
10.1 Emerging Adulthood
Why are formal rites of passage important? What has Western society lost by eliminating them? What has it gained?
How do legal definitions of adulthood matter in professions such as law enforcement and health care?
10.2 Physical Development and Health
As a nurse, what information (besides basic health status) would you want to know from a new patient (young adult)?
10.3 Cognitive Development
Many young adult college students seemingly get more confused about what field they want to major in and less certain about what they know as they progress through college. From a cognitive-developmental approach, why does this happen?
Political movements often are led by a combination of late adolescence/young adults and older adults. From a cognitive-development perspective, why would this tend to be the case? Provide one current example.
10.4 Personality in Young Adulthood
How do possible selves reflect people’s life experiences? Track one specific case.
How has your view of your possible selves influence your choice of career?
Chapter 11: Being with Others: Relationships in Young and Middle Adulthood
11.1 Relationship Types and Issues
Based on Schmitt and colleagues’ (2004) research, what attachment pattern would Korean women likely have regarding romantic attachment?
11.2 Lifestyles and Relationships
What sociocultural forces affect decisions to marry rather to than to cohabitate indefinitely?
11.3 Family Dynamics and the Life Course
Would northern European cultures be likely to demonstrate familism? Why or why not?
11.4 Divorce and Remarriage
Despite greatly increased divorce rates over the past few decades, the rate of marriage has not changed very much. Why?
Chapter 12: Working and Relaxing
12.1 Occupational Selection and Development
What is the relation between occupational development and job satisfaction? Would these relations be different in the case of a person with a good match between personality and occupation versus a person with a poor match?
12.2 Gender, Ethnicity, and Discrimination Issues
What steps needs to be taken to eliminate gender, ethnic, and age bias in the workplace?
12.3 Occupational Transitions
The trend towards multiple careers is likely to continue and become the norm. What implications will this have for theories of career development?
12.4 Work and Family
What can organizations do to help ease work-family conflict?
12.5 Taking Time to Relax: Leisure Activities
How are choices of leisure activities related to physical, cognitive, and social development?
Chapter 13: Making it in Midlife: The Biopsychological Challenges in Middle Adulthood
13.1 Physical changes and Health
What would be an ideal stress reduction exercise program for middle-aged adults?
13.2 Cognitive Development
Based on the cognitive-developmental changes described in this section, what types of jobs would be done bets by middle-aged adults?
13.3 Personality
How can you reconcile the data from trait research, which indicates little change, with the data from other research, which shows substantial change in personality during adulthood?
13.4 Family Dynamics and Middle Age
If you were to create a guide to families for middle-aged adults, what would be your most important pieces of advice? Why did you select these?

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