Case Study Report After reading and evaluating your given case, you will create

Case Study Report
After reading and evaluating your given case, you will create a report that includes the following:
Summary of the Case
Do NOT copy and paste the case. Focus on the important features and explain them in your report so the reader has an overview of who was involved and what happened. Do this in simple terms as though you were explaining this story to friends. Your report must be written in your own words.
Course Reference – content applicable to your case
Be specific (i.e.: LO 2.1.2 General standard of competence requires all auditors to have proper education and…etc.).
Briefly remind, or refresh us about the topic covered in the LO to which you referred.
Relate the course reference to your case study.
Relate the Case to the Course
Explain the error or fraud in your case could and how they could have been prevented or detected using the audit skills you have learned in this course.
Provide examples, solutions and references based on the course material to show what could or should have occurred.
Provide your own insights, conclusions and recommendations by building upon the case information and what you have learnt in this course.
Length – your report must be a minimum of 1000 words.
Grammar and Spelling – your report must be free of any grammar and spelling errors and must be easy to read and understand.
Original Work – your report must be developed by you and written in your own words. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you chose to use other work in your report, it must be cited.
Rubric – your report will be graded based on the rubric for this assignment which can be viewed by going to Assessment, Rubrics. Click on the arrow beside the rubric and click Preview.
Timeliness – your report must be submitted by the due date and time as set by your instructor.

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