CASE STUDY # 3 The client is a 32 YO single woman with a medical history of obes

The client is a 32 YO single woman with a medical history of obesity, hypertension and was recently diagnosed with diabetes. She is a college graduate and works full-time as a social worker in a community clinic in New York City. She was born and raised in New York, the youngest child of three. She has no formal psychiatric history; however, she reported a past suicide attempt by OD on prescribed medications mixed with alcohol.
Today, she presented to a walk-in clinic demanding to speak with a psychiatrist. She is wearing a tight floral print dress, heavy makeup, and multi-colored hair. Her behavior is labile; she appears energized, with loud and pressured speech, and her affect is incongruent. She denies SI/HI but is endorsing racing thoughts that worsened after she started smoking marijuana. She believes that someone planted a chip inside her head and is monitoring her all the time. She also talks about a spirit that possesses her body. She could not complete the intake interview with the psychiatric nurse practitioner as she began disrobing, yelling, and again demanding to speak with a psychiatrist.
What is her differential diagnosis?
What are the rationales and diagnosis criteria?
What other information is needed to complete a care plan for this client?
Does she need inpatient admission and why?

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