CASE BRIEFS  Two pages in length max—double-spaced  Do not waste time/space su

 Two pages in length max—double-spaced
 Do not waste time/space summarizing the case. Rest assured, I’ve read it.
 Briefly define the key issues faced by the firm and its leadership
 Analyze why these are the key issues using the facts given in the case
 Use your analysis to support recommendations for action
 Provide the 3 (not more) most important courses of action to be taken by the firm
 Provide appropriate rationale that links analysis to recommended courses of action
 Be sure your work is professionally written and very well proofread
 How to do a Case Brief (This is only one approach but it works well)
Skim the case to get a sense of what it’s all about. Don’t use a highlighter for this read. After skimming
the case, read it again but this time very carefully and with your highlighter in hand. Look for the
problem(s)and/or opportunity(ies) the company and its leadership face(s). Focus on the most serious one
or two (not more than three).
At the same time, look for the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its leadership. Detailed
examination of these elements (problems and/or opportunities, and strengths and weaknesses) will be your
analysis and basis for your recommendations of what the leadership/company should do (or avoid doing),
i.e. what actions should be taken and what should be avoided (if any) to take full advantage of
opportunities and/or minimize problems.
Be sure your case brief follows the guidelines for business writing discussed by Prof Martinez of KCBC in
her presentation given in class. Also, be sure it is professionally written (proper grammar and
punctuation). I encourage you to use the resources available at KCBC to ensure you’ve written you case
brief properly. Non-Kogod students have access to these resources because you are taking this course.

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