CAN is an event-triggered protocol, whereas TTP/C is a time-triggered protocol based on TDMA. In general, the timing aspects of time-triggered protocols (e.g., TDMA) are more deterministic in nature and thus make these protocols more suitable for safety-critical applications.

Problem 1
Write a short essay (no more than one page) on the basic workings of a cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Problem 2
CAN is an event-triggered protocol, whereas TTP/C is a time-triggered protocol based on TDMA. In general, the timing aspects of time-triggered protocols (e.g., TDMA) are more deterministic in nature and thus make these protocols more suitable for safety-critical applications. In an event to turn CAN into a time-triggered protocol, people developed time-triggered CAN or TTCAN.
Give a clear descriiption (you may want to use pictures) that explains what modifications were made to CAN to turn it into TTCAN.
To get credit for this question you must include your sources as references (i.e., notes, articles from my website, etc.).

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