BU5027: The Employment Relationship: The Domestic and International Context

BU5027: The Employment Relationship: The Domestic and International Context
Professor Keith Bender Honorary Dr. Luana Ozemela
Topic: A key aspect of the employment relationship is to minimise the turnover of staff given the costliness of recruiting workers for firms and the cost of job search for workers. This concept is best described in the ‘Exit-Voice’ hypothesis.
Describe this theory and the inherent trade-off between exit and voice.
Take a particular Employment Relations tool and describe how it can be used to enhance voice, identifying what conditions need to be in place for it to be effective and what will happen if these conditions are not in place.
Finally, choose one country (either that we studied or another country) and discuss how its typical employment relationship either helps or hinders voice.
Be sure to engage with the employment relations research in developing your essay.
Guidelines: The essay should be no more than 2000 words and well-structured with correct grammar, style and spelling. Main marking criteria are found in the feedback sheet on the next page. Citations should follow the Business School’s preferred referencing style – the Harvard style. More information can be found at:

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