Begin by outlining the organization

Begin by outlining the organization of your essay. Given your purpose for writing, and the audience you’re writing to, what components, sections, or parts will your essay need? What are some ways you might order those sections? Given your central inquiry, what is the most logical or methodical way you might structure your essay in response? And/or given your argument, what is the most persuasive way you might structure your essay? What order will the essay need to be structured to both help readers learn what they need to learn while also positioning each section to build on the work of previous sections?
Identify the various parts of your essay, both in terms of major sections and where you will talk about various source texts, personal experiences (yes, you may include these in your essay!), or examples. For each part, write a note (either in a different font color or using the comments tool), explaining the content of that part, the role that part plays in the essay, and why you positioned it where you did.
The finished product for this assignment should look like an outline, but with a paragraph’s-worth of writing for each item in the outline. You will find instructions on what to do with your design plan in the next step.
Important instruction: There are total of 5 sources that I used for the research and I have attached the two documents below which includes all five and other information about them and use them in the outline.

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