ASSIGNMENT 06 EN120 English Composition I Directions: Be sure to make an elect

EN120 English
Composition I
Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting
it to Ashworth College for grading.
Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to
use correct English spelling and grammar.
If sources are cited they must be in APA format. Your response should be
a maximum of two (2) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the “Assignment
Format” page for specific format requirements.
The essay writing process:
You will write the first draft of a two-paragraph essay plus a conclusion. You may choose one of these essay topics: The
career I hope to follow; a special or unusual person; the best or worst teacher
I ever had, or the most exciting event in my life. You will be graded on the following:
A clear
thesis statement (10 points)
Two topic
sentences (one for each paragraph) that express the main idea (15 points each for a possible
total of 30 points)
The body of
each paragraph: Each paragraph should be
comprised of a topic sentence (#2 above), supporting details in body sentences
(relevant to the topic sentence), and a concluding sentence (20 points each for
a possible total of 40 points)
conclusion (10 points)
Be sure to
proofread carefully, including spell-checking. (10 points).
This is the end of Assignment 06.

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