ASSIGNMENT: Select ONE of the following writing prompts and complete a a 3-5 pag

ASSIGNMENT: Select ONE of the following writing prompts and complete a a 3-5 page (approximately 800-1300 words) informative essay. As a part of your completed draft, complete the color coding activity described below. In addition, answer the “Think About Your Writing” questions on a separate sheet of paper and include it with your draft submission.
A. Instructions Choose ONE of the following for your informative essay. EXTENDED DEFINITION: Define or redefine one of the following words:
In your draft, briefly explain how society, or the dictionary, defines the word you’ve selected, and then explain your unique or extended definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support your definition. Your thesis must inform your readers of your new definition and, because you are writing in the informative mode, you must use objective language.
Draft an extended definition essay that defines or redefines a word or concept. Read the article by Dan Richards titled “Digital Ethics” for ideas about how to write an extended definition essay. (
Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows:
Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.
Use green
text to indicate the
topic sentence of each body paragraph.
1. What is the significance of your essay? Why should readers care about what you have written? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Think about why you decided to analyze this particular image, or why you picked the word you chose to define. Your interest in in your subject matter should be clear to readers.
2. Which areas of your draft do you think will benefit most from revision? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Consider the organization, style, focus, development, and conventions of your draft. Which areas did you struggle to complete?
3. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. How can you capitalize on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses in future essays? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Think about what was easy about writing the draft, and what was more difficult. For example, if you write paragraphs with strong topic sentences, but repeatedly use the same type of sentence to provide supporting details, you can improve your paragraphs by varying sentence structure.
Your draft must be 1100 to 1300 words in length (approximately 3-5 pages).
Informative Guidelines and Topic Selection Guidelines must be followed or your submission will not be graded.
Double-space your draft and use one-inch margins.
Use an easily-readable 12-point font.
All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
Your draft must be original and written for this assignment.
Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Your submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your draft.
Your submission must include both your color-coded informative draft and your answers to the “Think About Your Writing” questions.
Submit a only single file that contains all of the assignment components.
Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.

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