Assignment Instructions: Select a different nutrient for each age group. Suggest

Assignment Instructions:
Select a different nutrient for each age group. Suggest real foods and do not recommend supplements, such as multivitamins or supplemental drinks.
Write an essay that addresses the following:
Children (ages 2 to 8)
Identify one nutrient that is important for this age group
Identify three age-specific foods that would provide high amounts of the nutrient
Describe the importance of the nutrient with an explanation of how this nutrient would promote development and wellness in the age group
Adolescents (ages 9 to 18)
Identify one nutrient that is important for this age group
Identify three age-specific foods that would provide high amounts of the nutrient
Describe the importance of the nutrient with an explanation of how this nutrient would promote development and wellness in the age group
Adults (19-64)
Identify one nutrient that is important for this age group
Identify three age-specific foods that would provide high amounts of the nutrient
Describe the importance of the nutrient with an explanation of how this nutrient would promote development and wellness in the age group
Older adults (over age 65).
Identify one nutrient that is important for this age group
Identify three age-specific foods that would provide high amounts of the nutrient
Describe the importance of the nutrient with an explanation of how this nutrient would promote development and wellness in the age group
Locate one peer-reviewed article on nutritional needs for one of the age groups (either children, adolescents, adults, or older adults) from the Purdue Global library.
Provide the complete reference including author(s), date of publication, the title of the article, and source of the article.
Write a summary regarding the key concepts of the article in at least 250 words.
Identify the limitations of the research in at least 50 words.
Explain how you would use this information when planning a diet for the selected age group in at least 100 words.

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