Assignment Content 1. Read the Strategic Management Project Background document

Assignment Content
Read the Strategic Management Project Background document.
Review the resources listed at the end of this assignment along with the terms and concepts discussed this week to prepare for this assignment:
o strategic management
o competitive advantage
o strategic plan
o mission statement
o vision statement
o core values statement
A SafeAssign originality report will automatically be generated on your submission. Only those SafeAssign originality reports returning a “green” or an “orange” symbol will be accepted. Those receiving a “red” symbol must be rewritten and resubmitted until an acceptable symbol is received.
Journal Format:
A journal is a simple double-spaced document (it does not have to follow APA rules) but I highly suggest you include a reference page (which you will need for the Week 5 presentation). Please include your name, and the date. A simple header should be placed for each of the numbered prompts from the list below (numbers 1, 2 and 3) or you may just number your paragraphs which address each prompt. To earn the most points, be sure you fully answer each of the prompts.
Create a Word document and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 1.
Write a 500- to 700-word response to the following prompts as your journal entry:
8. Justify the guiding principles required for preparing effective statements that describe the mission, vision, and the core values of an organization as covered in the assigned reading.
9. Compare whether Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, and core values conform to the guiding principles in the text and support organizational strategic planning principles as justified in prompt #1. Refer to the Caterpillar Inc. website listed in the Resources section below.
10. Assess what Caterpillar Inc.’s current competitive advantages and disadvantages are by considering their business partners, allies, and general operations. Research the assignment resources listed below. Based on your research, evaluate Caterpillar’s current competitive advantages and disadvantages.
Note: You will use information from this entry in your Strategic Management Research Project Presentation due in Week 5.
Submit your assignment. (Again, be sure you upload a Word document (.docx).)
o Strategic Management Project Background
o Caterpillar Inc. website
o Research Caterpillar’s Annual Report
o Research CATERPILLAR public information, such as news releases, financial reports, and marketing analyses.
o Center for Writing Excellence
o Reference and Citation Generator
o Grammar and Writing Guides

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