As noted in your course syllabus, you will turn in a reflection that addresses t

As noted in your course syllabus, you will turn in a reflection that addresses the book “The Presentation of Self in Contemporary Social Life” by David Shulman. Your response should be thoughtful, well written, and draw from material addressed in this course (no outside sources), but specifically focus on chapter 7 -“The Internet, Society’s Newest Stage”. Your reflection should answer the following guiding question – how would you compare your face – to –face impression management to that of your digital self? While addressing this question, I would like for you embed at least 3 concepts from chapter 7 that really capture this juxtaposition. Choose these concepts wisely since you will not only clearly define them but expand their meaning through your examples. Add any additional information you see fit from the previous chapters but again, keep it within the confines of this course) 35 points. Make sure to submit your reflection as word document, Times Roman 12, one-inch margins and at least 3 pages in length double space and use a title page (with your name, course and section, the guiding questions and university. The tile page doesn’t count as a page number and I don’t want to see this information on page one.) I attached the PowerPoint from chapter 7 if you need the pages of the book of chapter 7 let me know and I will send them as well.

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