Article 1 What is the clinical problem identified?    “Unrelieved postoperative

Article 1
What is the clinical problem identified?   
“Unrelieved postoperative pain remains a common problem despite advances in pain management” (Comeaux & Comeaux, 2013, para 1).
Who made up the control groups?
According to Comeaux and Comeaux (2013), the control group was participants admitted to the A hallway since this experiment was based off room number. The experimental group was hallway B (Comeaux & Comeaux, 2013).
What is the dependent variable? How did you determine it?
The dependent variable is what happens as a result to the independent variable in the experiment (National Library of Medicine, 2017). With this definition in mind, the patients’ pain and outcome of their pain would be the dependent variable.
What is the independent variable? How did you determine it?
According to the National Library of Medicine (2017), an independent variable is what we expect to influence the dependent variable – in this case it would be the music that we are hypothesizing might help the patients pain.
If you worked on a surgical unit, would this research by helpful in implementing a new pain management protocol for your unit?
According to Comeaux and Comeaux (2013), it appears that music therapy does help with pain management in post-surgical patients, this research would be helpful in implementing a new policy.
Article 2
What is the clinical problem identified? 
The clinical problem identified in this study is that there is minimal evidence to suggest that music can help breast cancer patients’ anxiety levels after a radical mastectomy (Li et al., 2012).
Who made up the control groups?
The control group in this study are the patients that only received routine nursing care without music (Li et al., 2012).
What is the dependent variable? How did you determine it?
The dependent variable is the patients’ anxiety levels after a radical mastectomy, touching back on the definition mentioned above. The dependent variable is based on what happens with the independent variables influence (National Library of Medicine, 2017).
What is the independent variable? How did you determine it?
The independent variable is the music, this is hypothesized to influence the patients’ anxiety levels making it an independent variable.
If you worked on a surgical unit, would this research by helpful in implementing a new pain management protocol for your unit?
This study was for a very specific group of patients, based on this study alone I would not implement this for care of all surgical patients but for patients that had received a radical mastectomy implementation would be appropriate.
Comeaux, T., & Comeaux, T. (2013). The effect of complementary music therapy on the patient’s postoperative state anxiety, pain control, and environmental noise satisfaction. Medsurg Nursing, 22(5), 313-318.
Li, X., Zhou, K., Yan, H., Wang, D., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Effects of music therapy on anxiety of patients with breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(5), 1145-1155.
National Library of Medicine. (2017, January 24). Dependent and independent variables. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from

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