Article 1 Read Electronic cigarette use and smoking initiation among youth: A l

Article 1
Read Electronic cigarette use and smoking initiation among youth: A longitudinal cohort study
After you read the article, answer the following questions in complete sentences (unless where indicated/it says list). Try your best to paraphrase the article rather than directly quoting.
What was the exposure status described in the research article?
Based on the research article details, create a research question that follows the Exposure, Disease, Population format (review Chapters 2 and 3 PowerPoint).
Did this study have at least two measurement times? Indicate yes or no. Provide evidence from the article.
Was there attrition (loss to follow-up) between baseline and follow-up? Provide evidence from the article.
What was the main study finding? Hint: Focus on exposure and disease.
Article 2
Read the ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ community effectiveness trial: Study protocol of a community-based healthy lifestyle program for fathers and their children
After you read the article, answer the following questions in complete sentences (unless where indicated/it says list). Try your best to paraphrase the article rather than directly quoting.
What was the primary aim of this study?
Categorize the study described. Was it an experimental, quasi-experimental, or natural experiment design? Provide evidence from the article. Consider the number of groups and whether or not there was randomization.
How many times were outcome measures obtained? Indicate the number of times and the specific dates.
Did this study include blinding? Indicate yes or no and provide evidence from the article.
What was the conclusion of this study? Hint: Did the intervention group have more positive outcomes compared to the control group?

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