Apply the sociological imagination and at least one of the three main paradigms in sociology. 

Apply the sociological imagination and at least one of the three main paradigms in sociology.  You are not writing a synopsis of the film.   You are examining a larger social issue the film addresses and applying sociological concepts, paradigms and analysis in your paper.   After you watch the film, come up with a thesis (a central point or main argument).   Do some background research on the film and the filmmaker (what was/is the filmmaker’s intended audience,  inspiration for the film, research process, etc.)  What type of film (genre) is this?   Is this an independent, blockbuster, documentary, docu-drama, etc. film?  Even if you watched the film already in the past, you must watch it again (and provide proof with the three photos) for this assignment.
When applicable, incorporate the following critical thinking tools, paradigms, and topics:
a)   dialectics (competing views and perspectives)
b) stereotypes v. social patterns
c)  essentialism and social construction
essentialism (primordialism):  someone who perceives and sees social reality as inherent, essential, primordial, innate.
Race:  races are natural (racial differences are inherent, innate, etc.) extreme essentialism:  races are biologically distinct from one another.
d)  assimilation and internal colonialism
e)  intersectionality:  race, class, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, status, etc.
f) critical analysis of a social problem (homelessness, addiction, poverty, race relations, police brutality, domestic violence, gender inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, refugee experiences, etc.)
What does this film tell us about society?   Please do not spend your paper summarizes the film.  Your paper should consider what groups the characters belong to and how that informs their perspectives, what time period (sociohistorical context), and who the intended audience of the film by the film director, etc. Why did YOU choose your specific film?  What resonated about the film to you?
Apply your textbook, class lectures, and class films.   Outside sources are welcomed but ONLY in addition to your required class textbook, lectures, CANVAS posts, and class films.  You will be required to have a bibliography (or works cited page).
The film analysis assignment is 30% of your total grade.  You will be graded based on the following:
1) COMPOSITION: grammar, syntax, spelling, organization
2) CONTENT: information & data
3) CREATIVITY: originality of approach and ideas
4) CRITICAL ANALYSIS: sociological imagination
5) CITATION: sources; references of each textbook, each film clip, online Canvas posts, class lectures/discussion, bibliography/works cited

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