APA 6th edition! 1) Influence of Brand Ambassadors (BA): Using the (TEARS Model)

APA 6th edition!
1) Influence of Brand Ambassadors (BA): Using the (TEARS Model) which comprise of (a) Trustworthiness, (b) Expertise, (c) Attractiveness (Physical), (d) Respect, & (e) Similarity (Jolly, 2016), analyze whether Julia Roberts (La Vie est Belle) enhance the ‘personality & value’, ‘history & heritage’, ‘fun’, ‘excitement’, ‘social approval’ and self-respect of the potential buyer and consumer of the brands.
– Watch the BA campaign below are the links: LVEB INTENSEMENT:

– BACKGROUND READING: must read them to understand the concept better, further your group will conduct secondary researchand primary research which include observation,in-depth interviews, and focus group research e.g. Rahman (2018) “Building brand awareness: The role of celebrity endorsement in advertisements”, Jolly (2016) “Celebrity endorsements solving the destination marketing puzzle”,

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