Apa, 1.5 spacing, 10 pages. no more than 2,265 characters incl. spaces per page.

Apa, 1.5 spacing, 10 pages. no more than 2,265 characters incl. spaces per page. Write an essay summarizing and analyzing the conventional perspectives on Heroic Leadership. Provide also a critique of the conventional perspective you summarize and analyze from at least two of the critical perspectives —including the critical perspective we assigned in conjunction with the conventional perspective you summarize, or other critical perspectives you consider relevant. Try to answer the following sub-questions when completing your essay: What is the best argument in favor of the conventional perspective you have presented? What is the best argument in favor of the critical perspective(s) you have applied in your analysis? How does the interplay of these conventional and critical perspectives help illuminate or explain the phenomenon of leadership in a more general sense? The 4 attachments/sources must be used in the paper. Add anything else that can be relevant.

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