Answer questions to the provided case study uses the sources attached. 52 y/o Ma

Answer questions to the provided case study uses the sources attached.
52 y/o Male w/ a pmhx of MI (S/P RCA stent 7 years ago), T2DM(a1c 9.8),HTN, HLD and GERD presented with Septic shock. In ED, His F/S runs 360-500mg/dl, currently on insulin gtt. Don’t forget the discussion is about hyperglycemia in critically ill patients NOT DKA in this case.
Hyperglycemia is common in critically ill patients, both with and without diabetes.
Hyperglycemia is a predictor of adverse outcomes, including mortality.
Please review the attached landmark trials regarding hyperglycemia control in critically ill patients. Summarize your conclusion (A4 1 page) and discuss how you want to implement your review for current data for this particular case?

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