After watching the documentary, write a reflection on what they learned/think. T

After watching the documentary, write a reflection on what they learned/think.
The reflection should be a minimum of two full page (in paragraph format, using complete sentences, good grammar, etc.).
The content of the reflection is open, but below are some questions/prompts to help you get started. Was there anything you learned in the documentary that surprised you?
• Reflect on previous knowledge of history/changes in mental health services compared to what you saw in documentary.
• What role did activities play in some of the mental health hospitals? What role should activities play in mental health treatment?
• Pros and cons of deinstitutionalizing asylums and moving towards community care options
• Thoughts on current status of mental health treatment options – especially those available in your local community
• Do you have an interest in working for behavioral/mental health treatment programs?

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