According to the American Bar Association, the COVID-19 virus has not only radic

According to the American Bar Association, the COVID-19 virus has not only radically changed the daily lives of Americans, it is beginning to affect the U.S. justice system. Courts, jails, prisons, and law firms are all altering the way they conduct business due to COVID-19, and the impact is likely to grow. As a result, courts across the country are faced with the dilemma of balancing justice and maintaining public safety in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. And these courts at all levels are addressing this pandemic differently.
You are required to submit a paper on COVID-19’s Impact on Our Judicial System.
Here are some suggestions that you may consider in your paper:
1. What are some creative ways to practice law and serve clients during COVID-19?
2. How does COVID-19 change an already limited access to the civil legal system for the poor?
3. How can judges, lawyers and clients interact with the current restrictions?
Your paper will be no less than 3 and no more than 5 full pages, doubled-spaced, Times-Roman 12-pt font (cover page and reference page should be separate). It will be based on your personal or news-related observations and include all references used in writing your paper. You will be graded on quality of presentation and quality of content. See the rubrics below.

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