A student wanted to be a hair dresser and later pen her own salon. We talked.

A student wanted to be a hair dresser and later pen her own salon. We talked. She liked math and science and did exceptionally well with those classes. She received her degree, quit school, and soon worked as a hair care specialist. I did not see her for a couple of years, and then one day at a Jack in The Box, she was there working at the drive through window. What happened, I asked. She told me no one had told her what that lifestyle was like.
Don’t let this happen to you. Look before you leap. This assignment asks that you examine the culture of the job before you decide on the career field you enter. Simply find articles and interviews, search the date bases for stories told by those in your profession to get a sense of the life being lived in this future you have yet to start.
You are to collect two sources and analyze what they say and discern the lessons learned from these people in the profession you are interested in. This done, create an introduction where you share what you think the life of a . . . whatever it is you wish to become.
This done, examine you first source, providing what they say and what you think of this admission. What is learned? How does this change things?
Do this again for your second source before you conclude. When you conclude, you need to treat yourself as the expert witness you are and give advice about what you have found out, its value and importance to others.
Your paper should have a complex organizational plan.
It should use and integrate the sources used with your own comments and analysis.
It should look upon the information as a game changer, either cementing your choice or having you asking after this lifestyle found.
In the end, it is all about the culture.
Grading Rubric.
Let’s stage this.
40/100 means the writer turned in no work.
50/100 means the writer turned in work that was improperly formatted.
60/100 means the writer is missing sources to support their claim.
70/100 means the writer did not explore develop culture to the degree necessary.
80/100 means the above steps were accomplished, but thw writer did not analyze enough in asking after what was presented.
90/100 means the writer did all of the above and turned in a superlative work.
100/100 means the writer did better than those who turned in superative work by comparison; their work was unique, creative, and innovative.

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