5 page research paper, deadline Dec 1st by 2pm pst. I’m majoring in medical admi

5 page research paper, deadline Dec 1st by 2pm pst.
I’m majoring in medical administration, been going to antelope valley college since 2011 off and on
Question:В Based on your college career (and major or general studies), what is the point of a college education in 2021?В To respond to this question, please make sure to include the following items in your discussion:
A background summary of your learning experience (you can compare/contrast any previous educational experiences with your time at AVC, or simply focus on your time at AVC to date).
Some background information about your interests at college and/or research about your major.
An argument that supports why college is beneficial for your area of study.
A counter argument that argues why college is not beneficial for your area of study (or one that refutes college in general).
A discussion that agrees or disagrees with the counter argument you present.
A discussion about how you see the future of education and the future of your area of study.
A main idea (or thesis) that directly states an opinion that is based in all of the above ideas.
Technical Requirements:
Please use MLA Format (Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, Works Cited page, etc.).
Your essay should be at least 5 pages in lengthВ (Note: the Works Cited page doesn’t count as an essay page).
Please use at least 4В outside sourcesВ to help discuss your ideas (2 of these sources should be from EBSCO Discovery Service).В

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