2. This activity is designed for students to comprehensively understand how to c

2. This activity is designed for students to comprehensively understand how to complete an interview, summarize findings, and present the information in a brief report.
Each student will be required to interview a child and/or parent between the ages of 2-18 years of age. After completing interview, the student is required to write up a biopsychosocial summary based on the interview (approximately 3-5 pages total). If a student is unable to locate a child to interview, please inform the professor and a parent interview may be approved. Biopsychosocial report (BPS) – should consist of the following sections in report: presenting problem, history of problem, developmental/medical history, family history, educational/social history, special considerations, mental status and client’s strengths, clinical findings, diagnostic impressions, and tentative treatment recommendations. This is simply a brief narrative summarizing your clinical interview. Include the actual COMPLETED interview form you used OR created (either is acceptable) to conduct the interview and collect the information.

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