2 part essay Choose either Carr’s essay or Twenge’s essay to analyze this week.

2 part essay
Choose either Carr’s essay or Twenge’s essay to analyze this week. Make a list of quotes from the essay that fall into the following categories:
Classifies Ideas: at least three examples that indicate the author is doing this.
Analyze and Describe a Process: at least three examples that indicate the author is doing this.
Establish Cause and Effect: at least three examples that indicate the author is doing this.
You may add as many examples as you want in any section. The more examples you add to this assignment, the easier it will be to do your essay this week.
Using the “Examples from the Text” assignment as your starting point, determine whether Carr or Twenge (use the same essay from the other assignment) is attempting to classify ideas, analyze and describe a process, or establish cause and effect. Your essay should be a minimum of 750 words and presented in MLA format. Be sure to cite each example you use in your essay. Your reader has the correct MLA citation for the essay.

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