1984 & Contemporary Propaganda a non-fiction response How do we know what we kn

1984 & Contemporary Propaganda
a non-fiction response
How do we know what we know? How much of our knowledge about the outside world is based on first-hand experience? What are our sources for information? How reliable are they? The way we see the world is largely influenced by outside forces — and propaganda. The trick is to be able to identify propaganda when you see it so that you are not taken in unawares. Propaganda can be something simple and obvious — like a TV commercial — or it can be much more subtle, like a politician’s speech. It comes in many forms, and is literally all around us ALL THE TIME . . .
You will be locating, analyzing, and explaining an example of modern-day (post 2000) propaganda. It may be an example of visual propaganda, written propaganda, or even aural (sound).
Here are the items your analysis needs to cover:
1. General introduction about propaganda (brief).
2. Describe the example you have found — where did it come from and what does it look like? Use imagery and assume the reader is unfamiliar with the example.
3. Explain what the example is trying to do — what belief or reaction does it aim to cause?
4. Explain the techniques used in the example — see your notes. Make specific reference to the techniques and the text. Identify at least three different techniques used – if you can’t find three, find another example of propaganda.
5. Give your personal opinion of the example — Is it effective? Disturbing? Misleading? Dangerous? BE SPECIFIC.
6. Conclusion
*** Include either the piece that you are analyzing (song lyrics, print advertisement, poster, etc.) or a link to the piece of propaganda.

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