Week 1 Quiz
1. Question : Which sculptor’s work shows the greatest influence of the 
forms of classical elements?
Student Answer:
Nicola Pissano 
Giovanni Pisano 
Pietro Cavallini 
2. Question : What accounted for the interest in illusion in French 
manuscript illumination?
Student Answer:
Contact with Italy 
Contact with Constantinople 
Contact with Bruges 
Contact with London 
3. Question : Who was the noble patron who commissioned Les Tres Riches 
Student Answer:
Philip the Bold 
Giovanni Arnolfini 
Tommaso Portinari 
Jean, Duke of Berry 
4. Question : Which of the following depicts the International Style through 
its rich color, intricate patterns, and weightless figures?
Student Answer:
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maest’a) 
Seated Apostles (Last Judgment) 
5. Question : One of the most important cities of the 15
Th century was___________.
Student Answer:
6. Question : What was not included in Jan Van Eyck’s Ghent Altarpiece?
Student Answer:
Adam and Eve 
God the Father 
Adoration of the Lamb 
7. Question : Which artist projected on flat surface illusionistic effects 
(pictorial space) and projected the illusion of solid bodies 
moving through the space?
Student Answer:
Pietro Cavallini 
Simone Martini 
8. Question : The formality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in 
Berlinghieri’s Saint Francis Altarpiece can be said to be which of the following?
Student Answer:
Fundamentally medieval 
Merging with classical traditions 
Reflects the “new” Italo-byzantine style 
Directly influenced by Platonic philosophy 
9. Question : What was a dynastic symbol for the Dukes of Burgundy?
Student Answer:
Valois Castle 
Chateau Blanc 
Chartreuse de Champmol 
St. Bavo 
10. Question : Which city established itself as a major shipping power?
Student Answer:
11. Question : Jan Van Eyck’s Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride contains many 
symbols. Which of the following is an allusion of God?
Student Answer:
The dog 
The bedpost 
The whisk room 
The mirror 
12. Question : The Arena Chapel was commissioned by____________________.
Student Answer:
the Sienna civic government 
the gild of Linen merchants 
Enrico Scorvegni 
13. Question : Who were members of the Guild of St. Luke?
Student Answer:
Metal smiths 
14. Question : Who was the dean of the painters’ guild of Ghent and worked for 
Tommaso Portinari?
Student Answer:
Jan Van Eyck 
Rigier van der Weyden 
Dirk Bouts 
Hugo van der Goes 
15. Question : Which artist specialized in images of the Madonna?
Student Answer:
Hugo van der Goes 
Rogier van der Weyden 
Hans Memling 
Jan Van Eyck 
10. Question : The work of Giovanni Piano, as seen in his pulpit for Sant’Andrea, 
Pistoia, shows a nervous energy and emotion not found in the work 
of his father. His work shows Giovanni’s interest in what? 
Student Answer:
The formalism of the Byzantine art 
Burgeoning naturalism 
Classical antiquity 
Medieval style 

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