10 Book Case Reports description: You will be assigned with one public firm tra

10 Book Case Reports description:
You will be assigned with one public firm traded into one of the major
financial markets, below are the instructions:
1. You will be assigned to one public firm during the semester.
2. You must visit the company’s official web page to download the latest 3 SEC Fillings 10K Reports. You must
download the pdf’s files from the last 3 years.
3. Inside the SEC 10K Annual reports you must read the sections related to Part 1. Business Descriptions and
Risk Factors. Part 2. Selected Financial Data and Management’s Discussion and Analysis. Part 4. Financial
statements and notes to the consolidated financial statements.
4. As is described in section X Course Topics/Course Calendar/Schedule Table, there are some topics and
chapters to read each week. For example, for Module 1, which represents the first week of the course, we
are going to cover the concept of Framework for Analyst and Valuation Module 1. You must read this
5. After reading the SEC10K files from your firm and the related chapter for the week. Then you will be able to
make the weekly case report. Below is the content and requisites for the report.
Content case report. Total of 10 Case Reports. All reports are individual work.
1. Each week or each module will be devoted to some chapters, see section X. Course topics and/Course
Calendar to see the chapters per week or per module. You must summarize in 800 words the chapter
covered during the week. For each week or module is 800 words. You must describe in your own words
the most important concepts and examples described in each chapter during the Module of the week. Each
week you must summarize the chapter related to the module in 800 words.
2. Also, in a half-page or 200 words, you must describe the application of the Module using your case
company as a context. Application means that you must relate the chapter from the textbook to your case
company operations. Here for example if the chapter is related to the concept of sales and receivables,
then you must describe reading step 3 above everything related to the day’s receivables, sales variance,
receivables turnover, and everything that is related to the concepts covered during the module. If the
chapter is related to investment decisions or market structure, then for your firm SEC 10K reading Part 1.
Business Description can help you to understand how the administration operates and manages the firm
using different types of strategies and techniques to maximize the shareholder’s value. Sometimes for this
particular application of the concept, you will need to research some competitors, industry information,
and different economic publications related to your firm, you just need to add at the end the references.
You can visit Bloomberg, CNBC, Wall Street, Market Watch, Fox Business, and other business news
Remember this is not an essay, this is a case report where you are linking what it is in theory
(textbook) to your company operations (case).
3. As you notice then, each weekly report must have at minimum (1000 words). 1 page with 800 words
related to the chapters covered during the week and a half-page 200 words related to the application of the
concept described in those chapters.
4. It is prohibited to copy any text, image, picture, or any material from any outside document, here all
pages (1000 words) must be you the original author. See the plagiarism below section. Remember the
minimum to have the full grade is (1000 words) below this level will be accepted as incomplete, see below
Those are the professor’s instructions. The font is going to be 10, single-spaced, and no less than 1,000 words. My company is P-Fizer, Inc. I will be attaching an example the professor gave us, it is way longer, but don’t worry about it. In order to get access to the book, you’ll have to access brytewave.redshelf.com, my email is jabelavila@dusty.tamiu.edu and my password is Familiadustdevils1991!. The essay is about Chapter 6(Cost Volume-Profit Analysis: Additional Issues), first 800 words are an explanation of the chapters in my OWN WORDS so no plagiarism will be allowed please use your own words, and the rest 200 or more are going to be related to the company and the application of the concept of the two chapters. No works cited are necessary.

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