1> Issue Identification: The case study includes a topic relevant to internation

1> Issue Identification: The case study includes a topic relevant to international business and presents at least one real-world issue or problem related to the topic.  Issue Identification is more than just defining a phenomena.  It is demonstrating that the phenomena has real world implications that may directly impact business strategy.
2> Company Background and Protagonist Identification: The case study identifies a single real-world company as the subject of the case. The case study presents background information about the company including a brief summary of its activities related to the topic of the case and its mission and brief history. The case study also identifies by name and title a single individual or small group of individuals who have the responsibility and/or authority to make a decision or recommendation based on the strategic options presented.
3>Country Background:  The case study provides general background information on the subject country (location, demographics, brief historical highlights, etc.) as well as specific background information on the industry or problem the case study addresses.
4>Strategic Options:  The case study presents at least two different strategic options the subject company can pursue in achieving specific strategic objectives related to the previously identified issue or problem that forms the case topic.
5>Proofreading:  The case study is well-written and contains no or minimal spelling, grammatic, and formatting errors.
6>Citations: The case study is well referenced with appropriate citations appearing in the text either in APA style or as footnotes and endnotes.  The list of citations includes all citations used in the body of the text.  The citations are varied and appropriate to content.
Be sure that you have included all of the above in the submission organized as outlined in the Case Study Powerpoint.
*I‘ve post all all the case studies that were done as well as the PESRLE. Please pay close attention to what the teacher is asking for. 

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