(1) Based on the Stage 1 of your literature review, you need to narrow down your

(1) Based on the Stage 1 of your literature review, you need to
narrow down your broad research question to some specific one(s).
Please make sure that you specify clearly in your document ”what
is/are your particular research question(s)?”.
(2) According to your research question, search and download the
sample data for your empirical analysis. Provide a rationale why you
want to use such sample data in your research project.
(3) According to your research question, propose or construct the
model(s) for your empirical analysis. Provide a detailed descriiption
of the model. More importantly, provide a rationale why the model
is suitable in terms of your research question.
(4) At this stage, I do not put any restrictions on the page limits
and format. In other words, I care more about the contents instead
of “whether it is single-spaced or double-spaced”.

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