1. Attend this lecture and take notes. These notes can be handwritten or typed.

1. Attend this lecture and take notes. These notes can be handwritten or typed. 2. Next, type a 1-2 page double-spaced page(s) summarizing what you have learned from this lecture. Answer the following questions: -Who is Dr. Leonardo? What is his background? Job? -What is the topic and focus of this presentation? Where did his work focus? -Identify some of the monuments, artifacts, and anything else he discussed that coincides with his research. -What did you find interesting about the material he presented? 3. Submit your work by December 11th via the link on the homepage (Lecture Series Extra credit presentation) If you complete this with effort and detail, I will award you 10 extra credit points. The lecture will be held December 2nd from 1-3pm, California time (it is noted in the details as Arizona time, so prepare yourself!). There are NO other opportunities. Please do not ask. If you cannot attend, you cannot attend. Sincerely, Professor Z LECTURE INFO: Dr. Leonardo López Luján Archaeology of Tenochtitlan: Unearthing the Aztec Great Temple “The Proyecto Templo Mayor of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia was created in 1978, as a consequence of the discovery of a monolith depicting Coyolxauhqui, the Aztec moon goddess. Since then, other impressive public monuments have come to light in downtown Mexico City, in the area occupied by the sacred precinct of Tenochtitlan. Archaeologists recently uncovered the largest Aztec sculpture ever found, that of the earth goddess Tlaltecuhtli. After an overview on the history of archaeology in Mexico City, this lecture will focus on the new Tlaltecuhtli stone, undertaking a formal, iconographic, and symbolic analysis to unveil its functions and meanings. The exceptionally rich offerings buried under this sculpture will also be described. Finally, the possible presence of a royal tomb at the foot of the Great Temple will be discussed.” SoA Lecture Series: Dr. Leonardo López Luján Time: December 2, 2021 01:00 PM Arizona Join Zoom Meeting https://arizona.zoom.us/j/86753996574 Zoom Meeting: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/86753996574

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