Which Piece of frida khalo and diego rivera art do you think is the most beautif

Which Piece of frida khalo and diego rivera art do you think is the most beautiful? Pick one! Write down the artist, title, medium, time period or art movement. Find the work in our course; reread the information found in the unit. Study the work, notice all the details.describeLook really carefully all the colors, lines, values, shapes, textures, space. How did the artist use the design principles (unity, contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, repetition, variety)?What is the subject matter? What is the medium?Use all the art elements and design principles in your description.explainHow does the work fit the characteristics of the civilization or art movement?What came before and after it was made? How does this affect the work?defendWhat is the most beautiful part of the work?Use your observations to build your case for why you think it is beautiful.What do you appreciate about the work? How has your understanding of art changed or shifted? Did you think this work was beautiful before art appreciation?Use the headings above to write your 3 page paper.This isnota research paper. Your observationsareyour research.Write your paper in your own words.If you quote from sources, be sure you use quotation marks and give citations at the end of your paper. Your observations and opinion are the most important part of this paper. Write, re-read, check for grammar, punctuation, spelling errors. Make your paper easy and interesting to read. use your own words and observationsdescribe: art elements, design principles, art movement.historical context, subject matteridentify: artist, title, date, medium, sizetype your paper using 12 point font, 1 margins, double spaceduse Microsoft Word orGoogle Docsfor writing your paper3 pagesproofread your paper before turning it in; check readability, grammar, spelling, punctuation and lengthplagiarized papers = no points grading final | essay : What is beautiful?final | essay : What is beautiful?CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomedescribe work with art elements and design principles15to >12.0ptsExcellent!description of all art elements and 3-4 design principles, subject matter, medium12to >9.0ptsAlmost there!description of some art elements and design principles, subject matter, medium9to >6.0ptsMore!description missing art elements and design principles and/or not described completely, subject matter, medium6to >0ptsNeed improvementdescription missing many art elements or design principles and/or not described completely, subject matter, medium missing15ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomeexplain art movement, historical context, subject matter, type of work15to >12.0ptsExcellent!explanation of art movement, historical context, subject matter, type of work complete12to >9.0ptsAlmost there!explanation of art movement, historical context, subject matter, type of work mostly complete with some information missing9to >6.0ptsMore!explanation of art movement, historical context, subject matter, type of work incomplete6to >0ptsNeed improvementexplanation of art movement, historical context, subject matter, type of work missing15ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomedefend why work is beautiful with evidence from the work15to >12.0ptsExcellent!full explanation of why work is beautiful with supporting evidence from the work12to >9.0ptsAlmost there!explanation of why work is beautiful mostly supported by evidence9to >0.0ptsMore!explanation of why work is beautiful vague and/or not supported with evidence from the work0ptsNeed improvementexplanation of why work is beautiful missing and/or not specific and/or missing evidence from the work15ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomewrite using your own words, easy to understand, edited, 3 pages5to >4.0ptsExcellent!written in your own words, easy to understand with little or no spelling, punctuation, grammar errors, all artwork information included, 3 pages or more in length, type size and margins correct4to >3.0ptsAlmost there!written in your own words, mostly clear and free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, some artwork information missing 3 pages, type size and margins correct3to >0.0ptsMore!writing unclear and vague in areas with many errors, some artwork information missing, 3 pages, type size and margins correct0ptsNeed improvementwriting does not use your own words, writing has many errors and difficult to understand, missing artwork information or paper is less than 3 pages or type size or margins incorrect5ptsTotal Points:50Previous

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