In most cases, any change, substantial or otherwise, probably elicited a wide va

In most cases, any change, substantial or otherwise, probably elicited a wide variety of responses within the organization, or from those most directly impacted.For your Competency Discussion, reflect on experiences you have had involving organizational change and why it was made. Consider the strategies the organization applied to offset concerns and encourage acceptance of the change and whether they were successful. Then, think about why the strategies were successful or not successful. Finally, think about a strategy you would apply in that situation to manage change more successfully and why you think the strategy you recommend would be effective.To begin this Competency and meet your required engagement, post in the Discussion area a brief description of the experience you had with organizational change. Describe the strategies the organization applied to offset concerns and encourage acceptance of the change and whether they were successful. Then, explain why the strategies were successful or not successful. Finally, describe a strategy you would apply in that situation to manage change more successfully and why you think the strategy you recommended would be effective.

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