No Citation necessaryFor this assignment, imagine Harry is struggling with clini

No Citation necessaryFor this assignment, imagine Harry is struggling with clinical depression.1. Describe whateachof the following therapists would say is the cause of Harry’s depression and what therefore would be the goal to treating his depression. Psychoanalysis; Cognitive; Behavioral; Humanistic; BioMedical.**Note: the lines do not represent a one or two word answer…. rather, from my lecture, explain the theoretical perspective of what each theory says “causes” mental illness, and then what each theory’s perspective is on the goal of treatment. The specific “tools” used for each theory are not part of this assignment.Example: If Harry saw a psychoanalytic therapist, the therapist would say the root cause of Harry’s depression is ______________ and the goal then of treatment would be to ______________. If Harry saw a cognitive therapist, the therapist would say the root cause of Harry’s depression is ______________ and the goal then of treatment would be to ______________. If Harry saw a behavioral therapist, the therapist would say the root cause of Harry’s depression is ______________ and the goal then of treatment would be to _____________. If Harry saw a humanistic therapist, the therapist would say the root cause of Harry’s depression is ______________ and the goal then of treatment would be to ______________. If Harry saw a psychiatrist, the medical doctor would say the root cause of Harry’s depression is ______________ and the goal then of treatment would be to ______________.2. In at least 300 words, please share with me your opinions, insights, beliefs of the use of therapy to treat mental illness. Would you be open to seeking help from a therapist if you found yourself struggling with your mental health?

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