Application: Information Systems ArchitectureA systems architecture is the bluep

Application: Information Systems ArchitectureA systems architecture is the blueprint for all of an organizations information technology components. Just as a buildings architectural plan includes things like plumbing, electrical wiring, room sizes, and the locations of walls and doors, the architectural plan for an organizations information systems includes things like ergonomic considerations for system users, requirements for wireless versus standard or fiber optic cable networking, designations of where specific types of information technology will be installed and used, and specifications of how those types of information technology will interface with each other to allow information to flow freely within the organization.To preparefor this Application Assignment, review the information presented in this weeks Learning Resources on information systems architecture, and on the different hardware and software technologies that can be reflected within a systems architecture.To completethis Application Assignment,write a 1- to 2-page paperthat explains why it is important for a heath care organization to adopt information systems architecture and how this architecture benefits the organization. Then, describe how an organizations hardware and software technologies relate to its overall systems architecture. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. To ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct, refer to APA Style:

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