This is Task 5-10, For your ease of reference, I did Tasks 1-4 myself and have a

This is Task 5-10,
For your ease of reference, I did Tasks 1-4 myself and have already submitted it for Marking,
This is Task 5-10,
Task 5: Gantt Chart
Task 6: Risk register
Task 7: Communications plan
Section 4
Task 8: Change request form
Task 9: Amended Gantt, CPM or PERT
Section 5
Task 10: Recommendations to create positive workplace culture
Section 6
Academic writing/referencing
Scenario details are provided (attached)
Please read the accompanying marking rubrics to ensure that you are meeting all of the marking criteria and have included all necessary information.
A written reference section must be included using the APA referencing method.
Where Turnitin plagiarism detection service is used, all parts of this assignment must achieve a TurnItIn similarity score of 9 or less.
At this level, you are also expected to read widely from your text and other academic literature demonstrating that you have consulted other sources appropriate for a level 5 course.

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