Write a detailed but concise account of what processes happen, or have happened,

Write a detailed but concise account of what processes happen, or have happened, in the physical universe to produce change over time. Focus on cosmology and astronomy: the Big Bang, the early universe, the formation of galaxies and stars and elements and planets, etc. – how and why has the universe changed over time? In the final paragraph of the essay, discuss in what ways your worldview might be affected by this knowledge, or by other content of the readings. The essay should discuss content associated with at least 3 distinct readings attached. Don’t include any primary sources other than 3 readings of your choosing that I attached. You can use the internet to gather knowledge about the changes that occurred but refer to 3 of the readings I uploaded as sources and please no plagiarism. Thank you for everything. You can also use these videos or sites for more information:


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