Make sure the referencing is in MHRA STYLE, same with bibliography and filmograp

Make sure the referencing is in MHRA STYLE, same with bibliography and filmography. Use footnotes, no endnotes and make sure there is not awkward or informal phrases. UK TYPE OF ENGLISH.
Critical Evaluation (AMERICAN CINEMA SINCE 1965)
You are to choose one of the articles below and write a 760-words critical evaluation of the author’s argument. Your evaluation should include a short summary of the article’s main argument and explain how it could be useful in the study of a relevant area of contemporary American cinema. 
This short exercise is designed to develop your ability to evaluate and draw upon academic and filmic sources in order to formulate, structure and justify your own arguments.
• David Bordwell and Janet Staiger: “Since 1960: The Persistence of a Mode of Film Practice,” in The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960, by David Bordwell, Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson (London: Routledge 1985), pp. 367-377.
• Ed Guerrero. “Chapter 4: Recuperation, Representation, and Resistance: Black Cinema through the 1980s.” Framing Blackness: The African American Image in Film. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993: p. 113 – p. 156. 
• Linda Williams, “‘Tales of Sound and Fury’ or ‘The Elephant in the Room’,” in Melodrama Unbound: Across History, Media and National Boundaries, Christine Gledhill and Linda Williams, eds. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018), pp. 205-218.

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