Reading Summaries—students must submit weekly summaries of three scholar

Reading Summaries—students must submit weekly summaries of three scholarly articles or
books that they have chosen to read that fit with their research project. These summaries should
include APSA compliant bibliographies along with summaries of approximately 150-250
words (there is no penalty for exceeding this threshold though). The summaries must go beyond
a publication’s abstract. Some topics that should be addressed in these summaries are:
1. What is the central question being addressed?
2. What is the author(s) thesis or main argument?
3. What is the scope (what cases) and time period of the study in question?
4. What methodology is used to assess the question being addressed? What data are used?
5. What are the key findings from the study?
6. What methodological and/or theoretical limitations are present in the study?

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