Create either a written Word document or a slide presentation (Keynote/Powerpoin

Create either a written Word document or a slide presentation (Keynote/Powerpoint) with audio narration. Include the following 2 parts in your project:
Part 1
Which leader did you choose?
Which of Goleman’s 6 Leadership styles does this leader display (it could be more than one). Provide specific examples of each.
Explain how this leader’s style(s) combined with emotional intelligence have contributed to this leader’s success or setbacks.
How has this leader demonstrated servant leadership? Identify which characteristics.
How has your leader used their power and influence to advance their agenda and help them accomplish important organizational goals?
Identify and describe a situation where they had to use power, influence, and persuasion. How could they have used these differently?
Which of the 7 types of power do you think was used to handle this situation? How would you have handled it differently?
Part 2
Which of Goleman’s six leadership styles do you see in yourself?
How would you use the different stages in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to influence and motivate others?
How can emotions help (or hold you back) while acquiring power and influence?
Think of your strategic plan for developing power as you start your career, and transition into your future goals. Consider how you will build networks and use influence tactics before taking a job and in your 1st year on the job. Identify the elements of your plan, and explain why you think your choices will help you to acquire and then maintain power as a leader.

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