Our Brand is Crisis is a 2015 feature film based on the 2002 documentary about a

Our Brand is Crisis is a 2015 feature film based on the 2002 documentary about a PR/Marketing firm that helps a Bolivian presidential candidate win the election. Although it is a fictional version of what happened, it resembles quite closely the kind of strategic communication that political consultants use.

There are at least several issues to consider in the film, most of which we will not have covered by the date the assignment is due, so you will just have to go by what you have read concerning persuasion and some ethical guidelines. One of the important documents with which you should familiarize yourself is the PRSA Code of Ethics, which is available on the Public Relations Society of American Website.


Just skim it. Then answer the following as fully as possible and try to fulfill the criteria in the rubric for essays.

Two of the main characters and their team are supporting opposing candidates for the presidential election. In addition to trying to get each of their men win the election, there also seems to be strong personal antagonism between the heads of each campaign—Jane Bodine and Pat Candy. The two teams use a range of strategies and tactics to get Castillo and Rivera, respectively, in the lead.

What types of tactics do they use win votes and more importantly, how do they try to change and/or enhance the public image of the two candidates, both of whom face some unpleasant incidents–“baggage” that the consultants use to attack them. Both teams dig up dirt. Name a few of these incidents or anything else that Jane and Pat use to discredit the opposition. From looking at the PRSA Code of Ethics, do you see anything that the consultants’ efforts did that conflicted with the Code? Were there any persuasive tactics that either side used that you think were particularly effective and were not unethical?

Finally, both candidates made promises to the Bolivian people. To which needs of the people did the politicians appeal and did they follow through on their promises? Did the political consultants advise Castillo on following through with his campaign promises? Most important, why do you think that Jane followed the path she did at the end of the film?

Please use specific examples from the film to support your thesis. No quotations, please. No outside sources necessary. Just think and consult the Code.

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