Instructions: < <Go to your local grocery store. Using unit pricing, com

Go to your local grocery store. Using unit pricing, compare the cost per serving of eight different ready-to-eat cereals: two sugar coated cereals, two granola cereals, two whole grain cereals, and two organic cereals.
Which is the most expensive cereal per serving, and which is the least expensive per serving? (Price per serving is found by taking the total price of the product and dividing it by the number of servings. For example: A $5.00 box of cereal with 10 servings would be $.50 per serving.
In the same document as the chart you completed regarding the costs of the products reviewed, explain in at least 400 words which cereal appears to be the best product nutritionally for its cost and how the costs per serving can impact consumer choices. References are NOT required for this assignment unless you are specifically taking information from an outside source to complete it.

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