half page and one reference each question q1 Data collection and utilization are

half page and one reference each question
Data collection and utilization are essential to today’s healthcare organizations. Improved technological infrastructure has given healthcare organizations the ability to collect data unlike ever before. Data is valuable to healthcare personnel because it helps show trends and tracks patients’ information over time. While data can show the positives an organization may be trending it cal also point out some red flags. As an administrator of an organization, it would be vital to maintain transparent data communication within the organization. Data can be used as a tool when collected with precision and care, therefore it is important to encourage proper patient data collection and corresponding analysis. There is more accountability with transparent data communication because employees can be directly called out for lapses in quality. As mentioned by Kendall, data can be used to successfully drive ownership of the organization’s performance (Kendall, 2017). For example, if there is a noticeable difference in patient satisfaction or quality health ratings in a certain department, or if patients have a longer stay with certain units then the hospital can address those specifically rather than a blanket statement. When employees know that their day-to-day work can be tracked, collected, and analyzed there is more ownership of one’s roles. By being held responsible employees may consider being more engaged and more likely to ask for help when needed. For example, at the last organization, I worked for there was an employee who had a really hard time drawing blood and patients grew unhappy with her and gave bad quality ratings. This data was collected and then used to ensure more training and instruction with her via the other medical assistants to ensure that it did not happen again. This in turn encouraged the employee to get better at drawing blood and put the pressure on her to meet a quality benchmark.
Healthcare environment relies on data collection to maintain up to date reporting for patients and processes. For example, healthcare organizations manage all patient information is managed via a database that can be modified to update patient related information. Processes are documented in designated files housed in a database. More than likely, processes are restricted in read only format to ensure information could not be modified. Data collection usage has a significant role in healthcare. The advantage is accessing a large amount of information quickly. (Kendall, 2017). Disadvantages include data condition, using out of compliance data may result in misinformation and repeat data collection. Another disadvantage is data protection. Organizations are not ensuring information is protected in accordance with computer security requirements. (Why is data collection important in healthcare, nd). Transparent data communication goal is to get everyone on the same page and agree what is important to achieve organization success. (Keller, 2017). Also, it rebuilds trust between leadership and employees and strengthens their relationships. Healthcare organizations noticed increase in employee involvement when occurrences became common knowledge. (Kendall, 2017). A team presenting a united front can perform as dictated and introduce innovative methods for company improvement. Disadvantage may occur when data is not reporting information. The first step is to determine where the area occulted, then modify affected areas. Once organization leaders know what caused the error, determine if modification or elimination of erroneous information will resolve issue. (Keller, 2017).

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