**please don’t just agree to their post*** Classmate 1: Marella: Professor and c

**please don’t just agree to their post***
Classmate 1: Marella: Professor and class…
Describe the three Ps that are principal determinants of health worldwide.
Air pollution causes significant health burdens worldwide. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 3 million premature deaths annually were attributable to ambient air pollution in 2012. About 480,000 of those premature deaths are estimated to have occurred in the WHO European Region, comprising 53 countries (Martinez et al 2018).
Increasing population puts a strain on food production, water, and energy consumption. Awareness is key so that as a global community we can take the necessary steps to take care of the only planet we’ve got (Askew 2017).
Povertyis associated with the undermining of a range of key human attributes, including health. The poor are often exposed to greater personal and environmental health risk.(WHO 2021)
Analyze and discuss how the three Ps could be considered interrelated characteristics.
Pollution, population and poverty are interrelated as population growth impacts poverty and poverty and population growth impacts pollutions (Friss 2018)
Can you think of other consequences of the three Ps that are not discussed in the textbook?
Pollution, the consequences of pollutions that is most concerning to me is the impact of that it has on the people and planet yet the institutions that are most responsible are fined at rates that are not comparable to the income they generate related to the pollution they cause.Population is impacted both ways as we can see with the current pandemic some territories are negatively impacted. When there is an increase in the population there are also consequences as with the baby boomers and strain their retirement is placing on social programs like social security. Poverty can impact a persons health, because of the access to quality foods, healthcare and education. These few things can impact a persons quality of life. Because they are interrelated the overall impact of them together may not be fully apply appreciate.
Askew, K. (2017, November 10). Population growth ‘a threat to food quality’. foodnavigator.com. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2017/11/10/Population-growth-a-threat-to-food-quality
Friis, R. H. (2018). Essentials of Environmental Health (3rd Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://ambassadored.vitalsource.com/books/9781284166620Links to an external site.
Martinez, G., Spadaro, J., Chapizanis, D., Kendrovski, V., Kochubovski, M., & Mudu, P. (2018). Health Impacts and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in the Metropolitan Area of Skopje. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4), 626. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040626
World Health Organization. (2021). Poverty. World Health Organization. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/poverty
Classmate 2: Hilda: The three “P” that are principal determinants of health worldwide are: pollution, population, and poverty.
Pollution basic definition is an introduction of harmful products into an environment that has adverse effects on the health of the living objects (people, animals, plants). As human being evolve overtime pollution has caused harmful effects because of toxic gases and fuels released into the atmosphere.
Population the growth of human population in areas of the world that are not equipped with the necessary resources to support the population in a way that conducive to healthy living.
Poverty affects every in one way or the other. The inability to provide basic things such as food, clothing and shelter for a population has a domino effect on every socioeconomic group. Individuals that are living in poverty become burdens on the health systems because there is no income or resources for healthy living and as a result these individuals are more likely to be candidates for preventable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma etc.
Pollution, population, and poverty are interrelated characters because they are contributing factors of social determinants in any population. Most often highly polluted areas are usually in areas where there is no or very low-income housing and very little resources to create a healthier environment. These areas are also overly populated because individuals usually must live with others to make ends meet. In areas such as the United States and other countries that are largely contributors of pollution, third world countries are made to pay the price because they experience high instances of drought causing them not to be able to produce goods to live off.
Friis ,R. Essentials of Environmental Health 3rdedition

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