Sexual Harassment

For this project, your class team will operate as if you are the Human Resource Team representing a public organization. You will select a team leader, and create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you will graphically describe the following elements using 9 slides.

  • The PowerPoint will consist of 9 slides
  • Create the best approach to designing a sexual harassment investigations team.
  • Analyze the issues that will be assessed
  • Identify who will be interviewed
  • Evaluate what actions will be taken in consideration of the accused and the accuser/s.
  • Further Explain from a Human Resources perspectives as to what actions you will take to identify and prevent such actions in the future.
  • Finally for the final slide, you will explain a case of sexual harassment that identified a violator that has or will impact the public image and reputation of a public organization on a large scale. You will explain how it has impacted, image, personnel, the organization and any laws that may have been impacted.
  • The final slide will be composed of professional references.

You may find information relative to sexual harassment through the Online Library. ProQuest and Ebscohost are excellent to meet the peer reviewed resource requirements.

For a list of federal agencies, go to:

A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies:

You should be able to do a simple internet search to find state or local agencies. For example, the search terms “Michigan environment” will return the website of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (

To find local agencies, you may want to start at the locality’s website and choose an agency from there. For example, you could find the Department of Parks & Recreation for the city of Lansing, MI, by going to the city website ( and searching the listing of departments. Remember, most government websites will end with a .gov or .org suffix. 



  • Length should be at least nine slides, not including the title slide and references slide.
  • Speaker notes should be included in paragraph form for all slides except the title slide and reference slide. For assistance with PowerPoint presentations, see the Writing Center resource page
  • Include a cover page and references page in 10–12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable)
  • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained
  • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
  • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful
  • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
  • Appropriate citation style should be followed

You should also make sure to:

  • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date
  • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English
  • Use examples to support your discussion
  • A minimum of six to ten references should be included to support your writing
  • Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite within the body of your paper using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools
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