Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need an explanation an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Research Designs in Applied Behavior AnalysisPart One: Comprehensive Visual AnalysisFor each Graphic Display, provide a complete visual analysis of the data that is provided (Trend, Level, Stability/Variability w/ calculations, PND as appropriate, etc). Be sure to identify each research design, and determine whether experimental control was demonstrated with a clear rationale to support your analysis, making sure to evaluate both within and between conditions of the data as appropriate for each specific design. Also, explain whether internal validity is demonstrated and provide a detailed rationale for your determination, making sure to discuss any potential limitations that may be evident, or discussing how the design accounted for potential limitations. a.b.c. Part Two: Important ConsiderationsSpecifically outline each of the key ethical considerations that will support the necessary steps in the research process of SCRD. Be sure to use the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (2014) as a framework, and take careful thought in supporting your discussions with specific codes and relevant rationale including how certain ethical codes regarding research intersect with institutional research guidelines and the Office of Human Research Protections (10-15 pages).Other RequirementsYou should apply APA Style formatting throughout your paper. Include a title page, section headings, in-text citations, and a references page. Keep direct quotes to a minimum. You should also include an introductory paragraph, thesis sentence, and summary paragraph. You should cite relevant empirical research and scholarly articles within Applied Behavior Analysis. You should cite a minimum of seven peer-reviewed journal articles. You should carefully select sources after reviewing the literature and evaluating the credibility, relevance, quality, and research merit of each source.PS512/PS560 Grading Rubric% – PointsYour ScoreCourse ContentStudent identifies the research design for Sample A and provides a complete visual analysis of the graph provided: a.Trend, Level and Variability is analyzed within and across phases, and includes a discussion on how variability/stability was determined.b.Immediacy of effect within each phase and consistency across similar phases is clearly discussed.c.Internal and external validity, and limitations of the design are discussed based on the analysis findings.0–75Student identifies the research design for Sample B and provides a complete visual analysis of the graph provided:a.Trend, Level and Variability is analyzed within and across phases, and includes a discussion on how variability/stability was determined.b.Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data (PND) is analyzed and discussed between all phases.c.Immediacy of effect within each phase and consistency across similar phases is clearly discussed. Stability in non-intervention series (continued baselines) is discussed.d.Internal and external validity, and limitation of the design are discussed based on the analysis findings0-75Student identifies the research design for Sample C and provides a complete visual analysis of the graph provided:a.Trend, Level and Variability is analyzed within and across phases, and includes a discussion on how variability/stability was determined.b.Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data (PND) is analyzed and discussed between all phases.c.Immediacy of effect within each phase and consistency across similar phases is clearly discussed.d.Internal and external validity, and limitations of the design are discussed based on the analysis findings0-75Students discuss the ethical considerations as they relate to the research process in Applied Behavior Analysis and describes the relevance the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) within these considerations. Ethical discussion is supported by codes outlined in the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code and other relevant sources.0- 42Writing MechanicsIncludes a clear, concise introduction (ending in a solid thesis statement), complete paragraphs, and a final conclusion. Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation following Standard American English guidelines; free of typographical errors. Provides a clear and logical order of presentation where ideas transition from one topic to the next reflecting a scholarly tone. Meets the minimum page length requirement, not including the title page or reference page. (10 – 15 pages)0 – 33APA StyleProper use of APA style. Title page, headings, in-text citations, and reference page are formatted correctly containing no errors. Integrates the appropriate number of primary, peer-reviewed academic sources to support conclusions (minimum seven (7)). Primarily student’s own words paraphrased correctly with direct quotes used sparingly.0 – 33Total0–333An explanation of where the Assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.
Requirements: 10 to 15 pages

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